What is the Name of the Brokerage?

Question: What is the Name of the Real Estate Brokerage? 

The name of the brokerage is Ashby & Graff®, DRE license number 02041450 and our mailing address is 925 N. La Brea Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90038.

The DRE requires any name the brokerage is using to be registered with them. If it is not registered it is not acceptable. 

Examples of acceptable brokerage names you may use: 

- Ashby & Graff

- Ashby & Graff Real Estate

Examples of unacceptable brokerage names that are not permitted:

- Ashby & Graff Realty

- Ashby $ Graff (the use of a dollar sign instead of the ampersand is not allowed)

- Ashby Graff 

Question: I saw a different name and address for the brokerage on the DRE website, what is that about?

Please contact the DRE directly with questions about their licensing lookup website and how relevant information is displayed. 

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