FAQ for Active Agents
- Office Address
- What Realtor Associations and MLS' Does A&G Belong to?
- Report New Transaction
- Brokerage W9
- Logo Files?
- Broker Price Opinion (BPO's)
- Do You Offer Transaction Coordinators (TC)?
- Business Cards
- Brokerage DRE License Number
- How are Lease Transactions Handled?
- E&O/Risk Management Costs
- Commercial Transactions
- Problem Signing Up at AGIntranet.com
- Continuing Education / License Renewal
- Do You Provide Agent Websites?
- Are Agents Allowed to Conduct Property Management?
- How Can I Move My Broker (not salesperson) License to A&G?
- Can You Verify My Employment?
- Supplemental E&O
- Do You Have a Recommendation for a Notary Public?